It's just old but I think it's valuable. Some embers remain from the past, reminders of the blaze. Evengthough I don't want to remember but my mind can't forget. You, was set me on fire by all your lesson.

Because of you, your false that made me hurts, my heart grows more experienced. I grew one step farther away from being controlled, by my feelings. I hate to tell this : I miss your fire. I want that rebel moon shining again. Burn me on the hatred and set me a blaze. To became the best women that you ever know.

But you're so distand now and has turned cold with the passage of time. I can't wait until you come back because I don't want to keep getting in your way again. So here I am, sacrificing myself for renewal. For sake of self.

The me who is me now, will always be. As long as I live, I learn and I live. I build a pyre and set myself a blaze. Ash will give way to flame. Out of my ashes, will rise a new phoenix. That's me and you had known that.

I'll soar again, I'll always rise. Amiin.

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