One day soon I'm planning to leave,packing my bags and never to comeback. I won't stay here to labor and grieve. In this place,the past still fill my heart and rapidly the thoughts of what has been dissipates easily. A passion too fierce,too powerful to die. But there is only the future of the past as I grow nearer to God's eternal pearly gate,where all cautious faithfully stored memories.
All I need now is to clear up what I owe and keep exploring the endless possibilities of the unknown life. So I take shots of adrenaline cause that's the way I receive immunization against the depression. Sooner,the countless days and nights would pass and then in time I will reach the destination I ought to be.
It is this present that allow me to stay afloat of what is recalled to the mind and I have become stronger. It was uncertain though what my voyage would be but this is the future holds I travels alone to follow my destiny. Do I run my life or is it running me ? Am I run too fast or too slow it seems ? I don't know how fake feels so I gotta keep it real. That's the calmness of the ocean would come to keep me alive.
Give me every morning that's full of grace so I can get in the mood. I'm feeling more confident now using my common sense. I've become brave as the light of the day and it will leading me to the first sweet taste of freedom.
A written in English,
About Me and Mind
A written in English,
About Me and Mind
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