When we think of addiction, most of us think of alcoholism or drug abuse. But the easy access, anonymity, and constant availability of the Internet, email, texting, chatting and twittering has led to a new form of compulsive and dependent behavior, techno-addicts. The same neural pathways in the brain that reinforce dependence on substances can reinforce compulsive technology behaviors that are just as addictive and potentially destructive. Almost anything that we like to do - eat, shop, gamble, have sex - contain the potential for psychological and physiological dependence.
Whether we're watching TV, playing an interactive video game, or simply searching online for an old movie title, our brains and other organs automatically react to the monitor's rapidly changing, staccato stimuli : heart rate slows, brain blood vessels dilate, and blood flows away from major muscles. As we continue staring at the screen, this physical reaction helps our brains focus on the incoming mental stimuli, and the constant flow of visual stimuli can shift our orienting responses into overdrive. Eventually, however, rather than continued mental stimulation, we begin to experience fatigue. After a computer or video marathon, our concentration abilities often decline, and many people report a sense of depletion - as if the energy has been "sucked out of them." Despite these side effects, computers and the Internet are hard to resist, and our brains can get hooked rapidly - especially young ones. Sales of video games world-wide are stronger than ever.
Self-proclaimed Internet addicts report feeling a pleasurable mood burst or "rush" from simply booting up their computer, let alone visiting their favorite websites - just as shopping addicts get a thrill from scanning sale ads, putting their credit cards in their wallets, and setting out on a spending spree. These feelings of euphoria, even before the actual acting out of the addiction occurs, are linked to brain chemical changes that control behaviors ranging from a seductive psychological draw to a full-blown addiction. The brain-wiring system that controls these responses involves the neurotransmitter dopamine, a brain messenger that modulates all sorts of activities involving reward, feeling good, exploration and punishment.
Internet addiction is a relatively new clinical disorder that is inconsistently recognized as an official addiction. It can be considered similar to gambling, where a person is addicted to an act rather than a thing. People with Internet addiction disorder spend a lot of time online--enough that it interferes with their daily lives. They may spend their days obsessively checking email, playing online games or browsing social network sites. This addiction is increasingly gaining attention. And as a result of more addicts being discovered, more people are taking Internet addiction seriously even if it's not officially recognized as a disorder.
Dopamine is responsible for the euphoria that addicts chase, whether they get it from methamphetamine, alcohol, or Internet gambling. The addict becomes conditioned to compulsively seek, crave and recreate the sense of elation while off-line or off-drug. Whether it's knocking back a few whiskeys or betting on the horses, dopamine transmits messages to the brain's pleasure centers causing addicts to want to repeat those actions - over and over again, even if the addict is no longer experiencing the original pleasure and is aware of negative consequences.
The mental reward stimulation of the dopamine system is a powerful pull that non-addicts feel as well. Studies of volunteers enrapt in addictive video games show that gamers continue to play on despite multiple attempts to distract them. The dopamine system allows them to tolerate noise and discomfort extremely well. Previous research has shown that both eating and sexual activity drive up dopamine levels. Even checking email can become a compulsive behavior that's hard to stop.
It is not the technology itself that is addictive, but rather the specific application-of-choice. People can get hooked on Internet searching, online dating, Web shopping, porn sites, on-line gambling, or even checking their email. Even if you are not addicted to the Internet or any other technology, you may be struggling with its enticement. Ask yourself if this is an issue for you, a family member or friend, then consider what you can do to get help.
The Basics
Internet addiction disorder is a disorder that's considered to be a "process addiction." People with this disorder are addicted to an activity--in this case surfing the Internet--not a substance such as alcohol or drugs. They experience symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal as with any other addiction.
People with Internet addictions spend a lot of time online, to the point that it interferes with their daily life. The amount of time spent online is not necessarily indicative of a disorder. What's important is the extent to which spending time on the Internet negatively affects a person's normal life. People with Internet addiction disorder may give up their social lives, work lives and slack on personal hygiene. They may experience excessive fatigue, apathy and racing thoughts and may seem irritable and angry when not online. They may lie about how much time they spend online.
In 2008, China became the first country to recognize Internet addiction as a clinical disorder. As of 2009, Internet disorder is not recognized as a disorder in the U.S. However, some organizations consider it to be. The American Psychological Association (AMA) formally recognizes Internet addiction as a disorder.
No one is sure what causes an Internet addiction. One theory is that people don't become addicted to the Internet itself--they use the Internet as a vehicle for their real addictions, such as gambling or sex. Another theory is that people become addicted because they feel a "rush" when going online. This rush is repeatedly reinforced, perhaps by meeting someone new in a chat room, and they keep logging on for more. People with addictive personalities or who are socially awkward and isolated may be more prone to Internet addiction.
Just as with other disorders, the first step in recovery is realizing you have a problem. There are many Internet addiction support groups that offer peer-to-peer counseling for addicts. People with disorders must identify patterns of misuse, identify underlying problems and work to create ways to manage their dependence on the Internet.
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